Maharana 75
Product Description: Jas Maharana 75 is an effective protectant fungicide that controls diseases caused by all four major classes of plant pathogens across a wide range of crops.
Technical Content: Mancozeb 75% WP
Mode of Action: Jas Maharana 75 is a broad-spectrum fungicide with protective action. Upon exposure to air, it becomes fungi toxic by converting to an isothiocyanate, which inactivates sulphahydral (SH) groups in fungal enzymes. Additionally, it disrupts fungal enzyme functions by exchanging metals with mancozeb.
Special Features:
- King of all fungicides: Broad-spectrum, controls various diseases with multisite action.
- Wide spectrum of use: Suitable for foliar sprays, nursery drenching, and seed treatments.
- Provides Nutrition: Supplies manganese and zinc to crops, addressing micronutrient deficiencies.
- Dissolve Jas Maharana 75 Fungicide 2-2.5 gm per liter of water.
- Application Chart:
- Wheat: Brown rust, Black rust (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Maize: Leaf Blight, Downy mildew (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Paddy: Blast (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Jowar: Leaf spot (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Potato: Early blight, Late blight (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Tomato: Late Blight, Buck eye rot, Leaf spot (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Chillies: Damping Off, Fruit rot, Ripe rot, Leaf spot (3 gm Soil drench, 1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 1,750 L/Ha)
- Onion: Leaf Blight (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Tapioca: Leaf spot (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Ginger: Yellow disease (600 gm, 12-14 Quintals, 300 L/Ha)
- Sugar beet: Leaf spot (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Cauliflower: Collar rot (3 gm after seed germination, 1 L/Ha)
- Groundnut: Tikka leaf spot, rust (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Soybean: Rust (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
- Black Gram: Leaf spot (1.5-2 Kg/Ha, 750 L/Ha)
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Great product in fungus
Good result 👍👍