Jas Meclin

Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG – Powerful Insecticide for Effective Pest Control

Description: Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG is a highly effective, broad-spectrum insecticide that provides excellent control over lepidopteran pests in various crops. It is a semi-synthetic derivative of Avermectin that acts as a stomach and contact poison, causing irreversible damage to the nervous system of target pests. It is known for its long residual effect, rainfastness, and high efficiency at low doses, making it a preferred choice for farmers.

Key Features:

  • Highly effective against caterpillars, bollworms, and other lepidopteran pests.
  • Acts on the nervous system, causing paralysis and death of pests.
  • Provides long-lasting protection with residual action.
  • Low toxicity to beneficial insects and the environment.
  • Highly water-soluble granules (SG) for easy mixing and spraying.
  • Excellent rainfastness, ensuring effectiveness even after rainfall.

Recommended Dosage & Application:

Crop Name Target Pest Dosage per Acre Application Method
Cotton Bollworm Complex 80 gm Spray at early infestation stage
Chilli Fruit Borer, Thrips, Mites 80 gm Apply at pest appearance
Brinjal Shoot & Fruit Borer 80 gm Spray at flowering & fruiting stage
Tomato Fruit Borer 80 gm Spray at early fruiting stage
Cabbage Diamondback Moth 80 gm Apply at first larval appearance
Red Gram (Pigeon Pea) Pod Borer 80 gm Spray at flowering & pod formation

How to Use:

  • Mix 80 gm of Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG in 200 liters of water per acre.
  • Use a knapsack sprayer with a flat-fan or hollow cone nozzle.
  • Ensure uniform coverage for maximum effectiveness.
  • Spray in the early morning or late evening to avoid evaporation.


  • Do not mix with strong alkaline or acidic pesticides.
  • Avoid spraying during high wind speeds or rainfall.
  • Wear protective clothing, gloves, and a mask while handling.
  • Store in a cool, dry place away from children and animals.


  • Controls major lepidopteran pests that damage crops.
  • Fast-acting and long residual activity.
  • Improves crop health and yield by reducing pest damage.
  • Rainfast within 2 hours of application.
  • Safe for beneficial insects like bees and predators when used as directed.

Note: Always follow recommended application guidelines. For best results, consult an agricultural expert before use.

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